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Welcome to Next Generation Software's web site for Virtual DJ Studio, our full-featured DJ and Karaoke system.Virtual DJ Studio redefines the concept of DJ and Karaoke software on the PC. Virtual DJ Database Editor is a Swing based Java application which allows users to edit their Virtual DJ database files from an easy to use interface without having to know any XML. 2016/02/17 2020/03/11 2013/12/01 2013/03/15


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Virtual DJ Software, MP3 and Video mix software. VirtualDJ provides instant BPM beat matching, synchronized sampler, scratch, automatic seamless loops and remixing functions, effects, and much more

CLOUD-CONNECTED PROFESSIONAL DJ PLATFORM. Seamless DJ experience across multiple cloud-connected devices. Complete DJ software: manage your music and perform. Works with all Pioneer DJ hardware. Download Serato DJ Review. Serato DJ is a tool for mixing music and although it was specifically designed for a Pioneer DDJ-SX controller, it can also be used with a keyboard and mouse without having the official hardware from this well-known company.